Aloha Keoua,
The Environment protection and Education Committee of our club, needs your help.
We have created great cooperation with Kai Opua to help minimize the impact of the upcoming Liliuokalani LD Race on OUR bay.
What is needed is as follows.1. People to help inform and guide paddlers to the designated entry and exit points at the bay and keep others from walking in the inter tidal areas during the low tide Sat am. Need 6 to 10 youth/adults
This is about a 1.5 hour task2. Kayak paddlers in the water to guide and inform canoes
3 to 5 kayakers. 1.5 hours, I will paddle one3. Canoe Ramp Usher
One to two persons, 1.5 hours4. Camera person to document whats working and what could be better. 1.5 hours
5. In water line.
one or two persons to help set the line
1 hour starting at 7.30 amLets do try to get our young people involved in the stewardship of our bay.
Mahalo nui,
If you’re interested in helping, get in touch with Rick Bennett