Boat Rack Payment

  • Price: $80.00 Quantity:
    Enter the number of boat racks you're paying for.
  • Price: $100.00 Quantity:
    Enter the number of boat racks you're paying for.
  • Enter your rack number(s) or if you're unsure, a description of your boat and it's location (eg: green V1, top row, middle).
  • If storing a canoe at Keōua Hōnaunau Canoe Club, priority is given to Active participating members. Rack storage fees are due on January 1st, yearly. If no payment is received by January 31st then your canoe will be removed & your rack space forfeited. Unpaid canoes will be held for 90 days, at that time they will become property of Keōua Hōnaunau Canoe Club.
  • $0.00